Maps of Slovenia. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Slovenia. All cities of Slovenia on the maps.
Maps of Slovenia:
- Road map of Slovenia. Slovenia road map.
- Physical map of Slovenia. Slovenia physical map.
- Small map of Slovenia. Slovenia small map.
- Detailed relief and road map of Slovenia. Slovenia detailed relief and road map.
- Detailed roads and tourist map of Slovenia. Slovenia detailed roads and tourist map.
- Detailed political map of Slovenia with relief, roads and cities.
- Full political map of Slovenia with relief. Slovenia full political map with relief.
- Large relief map of Slovenia. Slovenia large relief map.
- Large detailed roads map of Slovenia. Slovenia large detailed roads map.
- Large detailed road and physical map of Slovenia. Slovenia large detailed road and physical map.
- Large detailed roads and tourist map of Slovenia.
- Large detailed political map of Slovenia with roads and cities.
- Large detailed physiography map of Slovenia with roads and cities.
- Large detailed political map of Slovenia with relief, roads and cities.
- Large detailed political map of Slovenia with roads, cities and airports.
- Large detailed map of international corridors, highways and local roads of Slovenia.
Slovenia – short description:
Ljubljana is the capital of this nation. The tourism industry is very important to the economy of Slovenia. The country has different kinds of landscapes like Dinaric, Mediterranean, Alpine and Pannonian.
Slovenia is a nation that is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and it also touches the Alps. Majority of the terrain in this country is mountainous.
About 90% of the surface region is at least two hundred meters above the sea level. Most of the populations in Slovenia are Slovene (about 4/5th of the people).
There are also other ethnic groups of Montenegrin, Macedonian, Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian origins. These groups formed about 5% of the population of the country. There are also people of Italian, Hungarian, Roma and Albanian origins.
Slovene is the official language of the country but Italian and Hungarian are also spoken here. Roman Catholicism is the main religion of the country as more than half of the populations of Slovenia are Roman Catholics.
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