Today: 27.3.2025

Maps of Ecuador. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Ecuador. All cities of Ecuador on the maps.

Maps of Ecuador:

Maps of Ecuador. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Ecuador. All cities of Ecuador on the maps. Ecuador maps.

Ecuador – short description:

Situated in South America, Ecuador shares its borders with Colombia and Peru, while on the west coast it looks over the Pacific Ocean. Quito is its capital and the official language is Quichua as well as other indigenous languages.

Ecuador is a country that is divided into three geological regions, the Oriente, Sierra and Costa as well as the Galapagos Islands of the coast of the country. The Andes run through the center of the country with mountain peaks reaching over 6,000 m above sea level, dotted with volcanoes, half of which are still active; this area is the Sierra.

The Oriente region offers thick jungle areas, flowing with rivers that carry water from the Andes to the Amazon River, while the Costa boasts tropical lush forests and pristine beaches. Along the coast there are also banana, coffee, sugar and cacao plantations, providing the main produce for the country.

The Galapagos Islands are the true wildlife treasure of Ecuador, situated off the coast in the Pacific Ocean, these are islands where unique and rare species find their haven and are one of the world’s most beautiful sites for wildlife observation.

The climate varies a lot depending on the location and altitude, the dry season running from June to September. Near the coast the weather is humid and hot, while in the mountains it can get very cold. Most of the larger cities are in the subtropical area, although Quito can get quite cold at night.

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