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Maps of Georgia state. Detailed road, adminsitartive, physical, topographical and other maps of Georgia state.

Maps of Georgia state:

Maps of Georgia state. Georgia state maps (USA). Detailed road, adminsitartive, physical, topographical and other maps of Georgia state. Maps of cities in Georgia state. All maps of Georgia state.

The state of Georgia – short description:

Georgia is situated in the South East of the USA and is one of the largest states in the country, founded in the 13th century as one of the first English colonies of the New World. The landscape varies considerably from mountains, forested ridges, caves, farms and orchards, swampland and the coastline with its tidal marshes.

Georgia is a state with a rich historical and cultural past, this is where the Creek and Cherokee Indian nations was born, where the cotton plantations started with slave work, it was also the major site of the Civil War, which culminated with the burning of Atlanta the capital.

The capital known as the ‘City of Forest’ with its magnificent Georgian-style homes in striking opposition to the strikingly contemporary buildings that make up Atlanta’s skyline, is a city that offers a blend of the modern and the old character of the southern hospitality.

Savannah is a city full of charm with most of its original beauty preserved over the centuries, boasts buildings of historical importance, such as the magnificent Regency-styled Owens-Thomas House and the Georgian Davenport House.

Waycross is one of the gateways to the Okefenokee Swamp, this is one of the country’s most splendid wildlife sites, and is a refuge for rare animal life and exotic plants.

The climate in Georgia varies from low humidity and cooler temperatures in the Blue Ridge Mountains to the subtropical temperatures of the southern coast.

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