Today: 26.3.2025

Maps of Hawaii state. Detailed road, adminsitartive, physical, topographical and other maps of Hawaii state.

Maps of Hawaii state:

Maps of Big Island of Hawaii state:

Maps of Hawaii state. Hawaii state maps (USA). Detailed road, adminsitartive, physical, topographical and other maps of Hawaii state. Maps of cities in Hawaii state. All maps of Hawaii state.

The state of Hawaii – short description:

Hawaii or the ‘Aloha state’ is a group of islands 3,860 km off the coast of the USA in the Pacific Ocean. This group of islands is composed of 132 islands and atolls, comprising eight main islands, of these only the islands of Oahu, where Honolulu the capital lies and Hawaii are inhabited.

Hawaii is the larger of the two, although Oahu is a favorite with tourists, boasting two mountain ranges, beautiful waterfalls and rainforest areas. Throughout the islands one can admire the wildlife, with its beautiful macadamia orchards, pineapple, sugarcane and coffee plantations, rainforests and green flatlands.

Hawaii is a tropical paradise with a richly diverse ethnical culture, rich in Polynesian heritage, until the 18th century when Captain James Cook landed on the island introducing the first elements of the western culture. Magnificent exhibits of Asian Art can be viewed at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, or a visit at the Pearl Harbor site will bring back the scene of the Japan surprise attack during WWII.

The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is one of the natural wonders of the world, with Mauna Loa, rising 4,103 m above sea level and the Kilauea that still erupts frequently spilling lava into the ocean. Mount Haleakala is a massive volcano crater that many descend on mountain bike to take a closer look at the crater’s center. The collection of strange looking rocks form the Ka’eleku Caverns, which are situated under the Hana Rainforest.

Hawaii offers a warm climate all year round, the temperatures remaining basically the same both in winter and summer. There is heavy rainfall from December to May, especially in the mountain areas.

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