Today: 26.3.2025

Maps of Ohio state. Detailed road, adminsitartive, physical, topographical and other maps of Ohio state.

Maps of Ohio state:

Maps of Ohio state. Ohio state maps (USA). Detailed road, adminsitartive, physical, topographical and other maps of Ohio state. Maps of cities in Ohio state. All maps of Ohio state.

The state of Ohio – short description:

Ohio is a state in the United States that lies in the Midwestern part of the country. In terms of area, it is considered to be the 34th largest state and it has about 11.5 million people living in it. As such, it is the seventh most populated state in the country.

This state is also referred to as the Buckeye State because it has plenty it has many Ohio Buckeye trees growing on its land. It is also because of this that the people residing in Ohio are often referred to as Buckeyes. In terms of population, Ohio is considered to be the 9th largest state in the country.

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are about 11,485,910 residents in Ohio (year 2008). Most of the residents here are Caucasians. It has been found that about 3.6% of the people living in this state have been born in foreign countries.

The population of Ohio is of various ethnic groups and some of the main groups are American, Italian, German, English and Irish. According to the census in the year 2006, it was found that 82% of Ohio’s population consisted of White non-Hispanic and about 12% consisted of Black non-Hispanic.

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