Maps of Venezuela. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Venezuela. All cities of Venezuela on the maps.
Maps of Venezuela:
- Map of Venezuela. Venezuela map.
- Venezuela political map. Political map of Venezuela.
- Detailed relief map of Venezuela. Venezuela detailed relief map.
- Detailed political and administrative map of Venezuela. Venezuela detailed political and administrative map.
- Detailed satellite map of Venezuela. Venezuela detailed satellite map.
- Detailed Venezuela physical map. Detailed physical map of Venezuela.
- Detailed political and administrative map of Venezuela with relief, roads and cities.
- Large relief map of Venezuela. Venezuela large relief map.
- Large regions map of Venezuela. Venezuela large regions map.
- Large road map of Venezuela with cities. Venezuela large road map with cities.
- Large map of Venezuela with major cities. Venezuela large map with major cities.
- Large location map of Venezuela in the World.
- Large administrative divisions map of Venezuela.
- Large location map of Venezuela in South America.
- Large political map of Colombia and Venezuela with capitals.
- Large political map of Venezuela with roads and major cities.
- Large political map of Venezuela with relief, roads and major cities – 2007.
- Large detailed map of Venezuela in russian.
- Large detailed administrative map of Venezuela. Venezuela large detailed administrative map.
- Large detailed location map of Venezuela. Venezuela large detailed location map.
- Large detailed physical map of Venezuela. Venezuela large detailed physical map.
- Large detailed regions map of Venezuela. Venezuela regions large detailed map.
- Large detailed relief and political map of Venezuela with cities.
- Large detailed relief map of Venezuela. Venezuela large detailed relief map.
- Large detailed Venezuela physical map with cities and roads.
- Large detailed map of Venezuela with relief and major cities.
- Large detailed political map of Venezuela with administrative divisions.
- Large detailed political and administrative map of Venezuela with all cities.
- Large detailed political map of Columbia and Venezuela with cities in chinese.
- Large detailed administrative and political map of Venezuela with roads and cities. Venezuela large detailed administrative and political map with roads and cities.
Venezuela – short description:
The size of Venezuela is about 916,445 square kilometers and it has a population of about 26,414,816 people. Caracas is the capital city of Venezuela. This nation is considered to be one among the most developed nations in the Latin America. Most of the people live in its capital city even though there are many people who live in other big cities in the country.
More than half of the people living in Venezuela are Mestizo, mixture of Amerindians and Europeans; and about thirty percent of the population are whites (Germans, Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese).
There are also some Asians living in this nation and they are usually the Chinese and Lebanese.
Spanish is the official language of Venezuela and most of the people living in the country converse in this language. There are some indigenous languages that are spoken by the people.
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